Hills Internship Program

Our mission for the Intern program is to make disciples. We are looking for young adults (17-
21), who want to dig deeper into the inner workings of Hills Church. God has given you gifts and
talents that are uniquely yours. Through the Intern Program, one can find the place where your
gifts and talents can be best used. Check out the different pathways below and find out how you can
make disciples.  Then, if you can fill out the Internship Application below!

Hills Intern Learning Pathway
Intern Descriptions

Internship Application

Applications are received and employees are hired without regard to race, creed, color, sex, age, national origin, marital status, physical or mental handicap, veteran's status and citizenship status.  The receipt of this application does not mean that job openings exist or does not obligate us in any way.  We appreciate your interest in our organization.






(Do not list relatives or previous supervisors)

Applicants Statement – READ CAREFULLY!

The facts set forth in my application for employment are true and complete. I understand that if employed, false statements on my application shall be considered sufficient cause for dismissal. You are hereby authorized to make any investigation on my personal history and financial and credit record through any investigative or credit agencies or bureaus of your choice in compliance with applicable laws or statutes.
I understand that employment at this organization is “at will”, and includes no guarantee, contract, or promise of employment for any specified length of time. I further understand that a criminal record check may be conducted on me, and I consent to any such check. I acknowledge that as a non-profit organization, Hills Church employees, regardless of employment status, do not qualify for unemployment benefits.
Please upload a current photo, resume, and a 60 second video answering the question: Why do you want to be a Hills Church Intern?

Please email a current photo, resume, and a 60 second video answering the question: Why do you want to be a Hills Church Intern to Deon Brown at dbrown@hillschurchnm.com.